RPC Vocational Evaluation Consultants
Hiral Patel
Michael Scullin
Elizabeth Wheeler
Gretchen Bakkenson
MA, C.R.C., C.L.C.P.
Bruce Bloom

Lost earnings and lost earning capacity are often a major component of the economic damages in a personal injury case. The process for calculating loss of earning capacity requires first determining pre-injury earning capacity and then determining post-injury earning capacity. In most cases, having a vocational evaluation is a crucial element in determining both pre-injury and post-injury earning capacity.
A vocational evaluation is a process to predict or estimate work behaviors and vocational potential. Vocational evaluators use multiple methods, tools and approaches to provide accurate vocational evaluations and assessments. Vocational assessments focus on the injured person’s interests, aptitudes, physical capabilities and their established work history. A vocational assessment includes review of medical records, a clinical interview with the injured person, and review of detailed educational and employment records.
RPC Vocational Evaluations Services
RPC’s personal injury team of Certified Vocational Evaluators and Certified Rehabilitation Counselors provide the following expert analyses to determine the pre-injury and post-injury employability of the injured party:
- Review of injured party’s educational and medical records.
- Vocational assessment – analysis of aptitudes, educational attainment and potential, and work history.
- Expert reports and testimony.
- Job requirements and employability assessment – analysis of medical limitations, retraining possibilities and adaptive technology.
- Transferrable skills analysis.
- Job and labor market evaluation to identify available, appropriate jobs for the injured party
- Rehabilitation plans.
- Definition of reasonable accommodations under the Americans with Disabilities Act.
For more information, contact Athenna Dill, Personal Injury Case Manager, 512.371.8005, adill@rpcconsulting.com.
RPC Vocational Evaluation Blogs
The Importance of a Vocational Expert in Calculating Loss of Earning Capacity
Loss of earning capacity is often a major element of economic damages. In personal cases when the plaintiff alleges a significant loss of earning capacity due to physical or cognitive impairments from an injury, a vocational expert can reliably determine what, if any, post-injury jobs the plaintiff can perform and the earnings from those jobs.
Vocational Evaluations in Personal Injury Litigation
Lost earnings and lost earning capacity can be major elements of economic damages in personal injury litigation. Calculating these elements requires determining pre-injury and post-injury earnings and earning capacity. These determinations involve vocational and economic issues. If there are disputes whether the plaintiff can return to work at all, or to what job, or with what limitations or accommodations, a vocational evaluation by a qualified vocational expert can be essential to determine this element of damages.
Transferable Skills Analysis in Personal Injury Litigation
In personal injury litigation, a vocational evaluator is often asked to determine a person’s future earning capacity after an accident or injury. One of the tools used to determine if there are other jobs the person can perform is a Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA).