Many personal injury cases involve moderate to severe traumatic brain injuries (TBI). In these cases, it is important for both the plaintiff and defendant to have a reliable neuropsychological evaluation to determine loss of earning capacity and future medical expenses.
What is a Neuropsychological Test?
Combining information from patient and family interviews, academic records and a wide variety of tests, the neuropsychological evaluation identifies the specific effects on an individual of a brain injury. A neuropsychological evaluation provides information about the structural and functional integrity of the brain. The evaluation includes a clinical interview, a medical records review and a series of tests that assesses cognitive and emotional functioning. The test is administered and interpreted by a neuropsychologist. Neuropsychological testing typically lasts between two and five hours. The neuropsychologist prepares a report that communicates the results from the tests and the neuropsychologist’s findings and opinions based on all available information.
Standardized assessment techniques are used to measure intelligence, executive function, attention, language, memory, sensorimotor functions and mood. Becuase neuropsychological tests are adminsitered and scored consistently, strengths and weaknesses can be determined by comparing scores with averages based on age, health, gender and education. In some cases, the post-injury test results can be compared with pre-injury test results.
Neuropsychological Testing and Traumatic Brain Injury
After a TBI, neuropsychological testing shows the impact of the trauma on cognitive, behavioral and personality functioning. The neuropsychologist reports on impairment, weaknesses, and emotional state. The neuropsychologist also opines on the injured party’s impairment and limitations due to the injury. He or she also makes therapy and rehabilitation recommendations. The neuropsychologist can opine whether a TBI survivor can live independently, return to work or continue school.
A neuropsychological evaluation is an asset for personal injury attorneys in litigation when a TBI is alleged. This is especially true for cases involving concussion and mild brain injury where the effects of trauma are subtle. Neuropsychologists can express their results in quantitative terms (ex: IQ points) to help the jury understand the extent of the plaintiff’s impairment. Neuropsychological testing can also identify identify malingering, pre-existing conditions and uncover deficiencies in individuals who appear otherwise competent.
RPC has neuropsychologists who provide evaluations and expert testimony for plaintiff and defense counsel. Our consultants use the results of neuropsycholgical evaluations in life care plans, vocational evaluations and loss of earning capacity. Our team is equipped to handle life care planning, independent medical examinations and vocational testing. Contact us to discuss how our neuropsychologists can assist you.