RPC Certified Life Care Planners
Kim Beladi
Susan Farris
Hiral Patel
Michael Scullin
Elizabeth Wheeler
Misty Coffman
R.N., C.L.N.C., M.S.C.C., C.N.L.C.P.
Gretchen Bakkenson
MA, C.R.C., C.L.C.P.
Todd Harden

Life Care Planning Services
The cost of future health care is often the largest component of economic damages in personal injury cases. Quantifying these damages for a jury requires a life care plan — a detailed analysis of the type, quantity, timing and cost of the injured party’s current and future care needs. RPC has Certified Life Care Planners to prepare the life care plan and economic consultants to determine the discounted present value. Learn more about RPC’s certified life care planners, including their clinical background and areas of expertise, or call us at 512-371-8000 to speak to a life care planner.
In preparing a life care plan for an injured party RPC’s certified life care planners work with physicians to determine the services, equipment, and supplies an injured person will need for the remainder of his life to maximize his ability to function. We carefully research the prices of all items included in the life care plan. RPC economists then apply specific medical inflation rates and consistent discount rates to determine the present value cost to fund the plan. All life care plans and reviews include extensive documentation to support the positions taken.
RPC Life Care Plans & Review of Life Care Plans
RPC also works with defense counsel to review life care plans presented by the plaintiff. These reviews consider the need for certain treatments, the availability of less expensive alternatives to meet the plaintiff’s needs, prices, inflation rates and discount factors. RPC has prepared and reviewed life care plans for individuals with a wide range of major injuries. Each plan is unique to the needs of a specific person. Here are some examples:
- Plaintiff life care plan for a paraplegic attending college. Review of medical records to determine past, ongoing and future medical needs as well as resources required for transitioning to independent adult life while caring for her young daughter.
- Defense life care plan for a traumatic brain injured / paraplegic individual. Extensive research on his diagnosis and prognosis as well as alternative options for care available within the plaintiff’s community. Alternative options included such things as the cost of gym membership with a trainer instead of physical therapy for the long-term maintenance of strength and mobility.
- Plaintiff life care plan for a woman with physical limitations caused by side effects of a prescription drug. Life care plan included research for resources available within the community for specific life management needs.
- Defense life care plan analysis report for a young child who suffered cerebral palsy as a result of hyperbilirubinemia (kernicturus) as a newborn. Extensive research on the prognosis of a child with cerebral palsy and the optimal treatment, including frequency and duration for physical therapy, occupational therapy and speech therapy. The analysis report included examples of individuals with cerebral palsy who have led productive adult lives with appropriate support.
For more information, contact Athenna Dill, Personal Injury Case Manager, 512.371.8005, adill@rpcconsulting.com.
RPC Life Care Blogs
Long COVID and Its Impact on the Economy and Labor Market
This blog discusses post-COVID-19 syndrome, also known as Long COVID, and raises questions about how it will affect personal injury litigation. It also discusses the impacts of Long COVID on the economy and labor market, and outlines ways employers might accommodate those with Long COVID to keep them in their jobs for the benefit of both the employee and the employer.
How Freestanding Emergency Departments can Avoid Charging “Unconscionable Charges”
In 2019 the Texas Legislature session passed several bills to limit what freestanding emergency departments (FSEDs) charge. One statute authorizes action by the Attorney General if an FSED’s charges are “unconscionable” in comparison to local hospital charges for similar emergency services. Most hospitals update their chargemasters at least annually. To ensure their charges do not become unconscionable, RPC recommends FSEDs review their chargemasters annually. RPC can help FSEDs set their charges to avoid them being “unconscionable.” We can also help FSEDs resolve payment disputes with health plans.
Determining the Reasonable Value of Future Medical Costs in Texas Personal Injury Cases
The cost of future medical care is often the largest component of economic damages sought and awarded in personal injury cases. RPC can calculate the reasonable value of goods and services in life care plans based on commercial health insurance allowed amounts (i.e. the market value of healthcare) or on specific fee schedules the plaintiff may be eligible for, such as Medicare, Medicaid, or Workers’ Compensation.