RPC provides plaintiff and defense attorneys with expert analysis and testimony in personal injury litigation. Our services include independent medical examinations, neuropsychological evaluations, life care plans, analysis of lost earning capacity, vocational evaluation, and medical bill analysis. We can assist attorneys in all phases of litigation from framing discovery requests through trial testimony.

RPC’s certified life care planners work with our physician and neuropsychology associates to prepare life care plans and to analyze the life care plans of opposing experts. RPC has extensive data we use to determine current prices for goods and services in life care plans.

RPC’s neuropsychology associates conduct neuropsychological evaluations and administer a wide range of standardized tests. They also review medical records and reports. We rely on their opinions on the cognitive and psychological condition of the injured party, his or her future medical needs and his or her ability to work.

RPC’s economists and financial analysts calculate loss of earning capacity in personal injury cases and loss of support in wrongful death cases. When the injured person is a business owner, our forensic accountants analyze accounting records to determine past and future lost profits.

RPC’s certified vocational evaluator prepares comprehensive vocational evaluations. A vocational evaluation is often needed to establish an injured person’s pre-injury and post-injury earning capacity. As part of the evaluation the vocational consultant may administer standardized tests, make a transferable skills analysis, identify retraining possibilities, and conduct a labor market analysis. Our vocational consultants also analyze the work of opposing vocational and economic experts.

RPC’s Longshore Certified Rehabilitation Counselors provide services to injured longshore workers and Injured Federal Workers.

RPC’s team of life care planners and economic and vocational experts can provide the services to determine the economic damages of an injured maritime worker.

RPC’s economists and financial analysts determine the present value of damages for future medical expenses and loss of future earning capacity or support. We apply the appropriate inflation rates for goods, and services. We determine the appropriate real interest rate to use in the discount factor.

RPC’s physicians associates are board-certified in orthopedic surgery and physiatry. They provide independent medical exams, and review medical records and reports. We rely on their opinions on the medical condition of the injured party, his or her future medical needs and his or her ability to work.
RPC can analyze the reasonableness of charges for healthcare medical services. We can also determine reasonable payment amounts.
RPC has qualified experts for counter-affidavits. To discuss these recent developments or counter-affidavits for a specific case, contact our Section 18.001 consultants
RPC has the data and experience to calculate the UCR charge on a chargemaster and help make proactive adjustments by comparing the chargemaster and the UCR charges in specific markets.
House Bill 1941. RPC purchases the most recent hospital charge data from the Department of State Health Services and has the IT resources and experience necessary to use the data.