RPC Construction Dispute Consultants
Ronald T. Luke
Brian Piper
Senior Consultant
Angela VanDerwerken
Senior Consultant

Hospitals and other health facilities are usually more complex to construct than other buildings of similar size. They must meet more stringent local, state and federal standards. Their air handling, plumbing and electrical systems are far more complex than most commercial buildings. Because of this, there are many opportunities for construction disputes about health facilities.
A construction defect in a hospital or other health facility can disrupt operations and thus generate economic damages. All parties to a health facility construction dispute need to understand how the defect and the repairs to fix the defect will affect operations and thus affect revenues and expenses. There is usually more than one option by which a defect can be remedied. For each option both the construction cost and the impact on operations must be considered in order to find the economically best solution.
Support for Health Facility Construction Disputes
RPC’s experts have assisted counsel for owners of health facilities and construction firms in health facility construction disputes. Our team of economists, accountants and hospital administrators has been able to apply our healthcare expertise to help the parties define and analyze the alternatives and arrive at efficient solutions in which the parties were fairly compensated.