RPC has particular expertise in healthcare litigation. This expertise starts with Ron Luke’s many years of experience in healthcare. As a policymaker he was appointed to three state agency boards by Texas governors. He is the long-term chairman of the Health Policy Committee for the Texas Association of Business. From 1986 to 2005 he was the founder and President of Forte Managed Care, a national provider of medical bill review, utilization review and case management services. He has been a consultant to state agencies in Florida and Texas on the design of workers’ compensation fee guidelines and utilization review rules. He has consulted and testified on Certificate of Need projects in over 30 states. He has consulted and testified on healthcare issues on cases in state and federal courts.
Dr. Luke leads a multi-disciplinary team at RPC including physicians, nurses, economists, accountants, data analysts and professionals in public health and healthcare administration. The RPC team has helped attorneys representing hospitals, physicians, nursing homes, hospices, surgery centers, home health agencies, health plans, and government agencies to address a wide range of liability and damage issues.
Business litigators who do not specialize in healthcare can benefit the most from RPC’s expertise. We understand the peculiarities of healthcare accounting, how to frame discovery requests, the structure of claims and payment data, and the industry’s vocabulary. At the start of a case we can help draft discovery requests and evaluate responses. We can help the attorney decide which witnesses to depose and what to ask. We know how to analyze claims, payment and operational data to test theories of liability and quantify damages.
Later in a case we can prepare expert reports for mediation and trial. We can provide a professional critique of reports by opposing experts. If the case goes to trial we can provide qualified consultants to present our findings and opinions.

RPC is available to assist relators and healthcare providers in healthcare-related qui-tam litigation. We provide various types of analysis to establish violation and damages.

When payment disputes occur between healthcare providers and health insurance plans, RPC analyzes individual bills, payment policies and the entire payment process.

RPC’s expertise in medical staff bylaws, physician contracts and economic damages allows us to provide clients with expert opinions on reasonableness of actions and liability.

RPC assists counsel for owners of healthcare facilities by determining cost and impact of construction defects and the proposed remedies that follow.

RPC’s damage analysis in professional liability cases includes life care plans, loss of earning capacity and loss of support.
House Bill 1941. RPC purchases the most recent hospital charge data from the Department of State Health Services and has the IT resources and experience necessary to use the data.