Health Data Store


Contact Health Data Specialist,
Emily Birmingham

Standard Analytical Files

The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) collects data from all hospitals, home health agencies, nursing homes, and hospices that provide services to Medicare beneficiaries on an ongoing basis through its fiscal intermediaries, and compiles the data for each calendar year. One of the resulting datasets, the Standard Analytical File, has data organized at the claim level and includes basic information about the beneficiary and services performed for the beneficiary’s claim. CMS updates this file annually, and the Health Data Store has the most recent update and historical data.

Some useful data elements include:

  • Beneficiary state of residence

  • Hospital where service was provided

  • Beneficiary race

  • Beneficiary sex

  • Principle diagnosis codes

  • Claim diagnosis by DRG code

  • Claim payment amount

  • Charge amounts by component

  • Patient discharge status

  • Admission date

  • Disproportionate share payment amounts