Health Data Store
Contact Health Data Specialist,
Emily Birmingham
Custom Reports from National Medicare Data
The Health Data Store provides custom reports and analysis of Medicare data from hospitals and other healthcare providers across all 50 states. Reports are customized based on the criteria relevant to your needs, and data can be broken down by the providers, geographic areas, diagnosis and procedure codes, financial metrics, and many other variables that you need to analyze.
Browse the list of available Medicare data files below and contact us for a custom report.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) collects and releases data for all U.S. hospital inpatient stays for Medicare beneficiaries. These data are released annually in the CMS Medicare Provider Analysis and Review (MedPAR) file. Each record in the MedPAR file represents an inpatient stay during the calendar year of the file and has information on diagnosis, procedure, charge, payment, provider and patient for the claim. Some useful data elements include: Patient age group, sex and race, Hospital provider number, Length of stay, 5 categories of accommodation charges, Diagnosis codes, Up to 6 surgical procedure codes, Charge and payment data.
All hospitals receiving funds from Medicare must submit their data to CMS. In the most recent year available over 6,000 hospitals had data reported in the MedPAR file. RPC holds these files from 2006 to 2020.
We can provide custom reports, graphs and maps using this data file and combining it with other health care and demographic files. The tabulations and analysis RPC offers based on MedPAR data has many potential uses for healthcare planners, financial analysts, and hospital executives. RPC offers custom reports using the MedPAR data, and our consultants are happy to talk to you about how we can use the file to best meet your needs.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) collects data from every hospital, home health agency, nursing home, and hospice receiving Medicare reimbursement. The resulting Cost Report data includes financial, descriptive and operational data on each provider, and is loaded into HCRIS, a structured database each quarter. CMS updates the HCRIS database quarterly, and the Health Data Store has the most recent update and historical data back to 1995. Some useful data elements include: Provider cost to charge ratios, Total inpatient Medicare days, Total Medicare observation days, Services offered by provider (including laboratory, rehabilitation, outpatient and psychiatric services), Costs broken down by cost centers, Detailed financial reports, Medicare reimbursement amounts, Number of hospital interns and residents, Average hospital hourly wage, Costs related to uncompensated care, Reporting facilities. In the most recent quarter released, there are records for nearly 9,000 hospitals.
The tabulations and analysis RPC offers based on HCRIS hospital data has many potential uses for healthcare planners, financial analysts, and hospital executives. RPC offers custom reports using the HCRIS hospital data, and our consultants are happy to talk to you about how we can use the file to best meet your needs.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) collects data from all hospitals that provide services to Medicare beneficiaries on an ongoing basis through its fiscal intermediaries, and compiles the data for each calendar year. One of the resulting datasets, the Standard Analytical File, has data organized at the claim level and includes basic information about the beneficiary and services performed for the beneficiary’s claim. CMS updates this file annually, and the Health Data Store has the most recent update and historical data. Some useful data elements include: Beneficiary state and county of residence, Hospital where service was provided, Beneficiary race, Beneficiary sex, Diagnosis codes, Claim diagnosis by DRG code, Claim payment amount, Charge amounts by component, Patient discharge status, Admission date, Disproportionate share payment amounts
The tabulations and analysis RPC offers based on CMS SAF data has many potential uses for healthcare planners, financial analysts, and hospital executives. RPC offers custom reports using the CMS SAF data, and our consultants are happy to talk to you about how we can use the file to best meet your needs. Read More
We maintain access to other Medicare data files and have the ability to order more from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services. These files can be used to identify detailed facility information for healthcare providers, study Medicare patient demographics, analyze provider charges, and other purposes.