AHCA Hospital Emergency Room Data
The Agency for Health Care Administration collects inpatient discharge, outpatient and ambulatory, and emergency room data from acute, short-term psychiatric, long-term psychiatric and comprehensive rehabilitation hospitals in Florida. The data are updated on a quarterly basis, and there are approximately 2.5 million records per year. Each record in the dataset corresponds to an individual inpatient hospital, outpatient, or ER visit. The file has patient-level data and includes information on patient demographics, diagnosis and procedure codes, attending physician, operating or performing physicians, and total gross charges.
The Agency for Health Care Administration collects inpatient discharge, outpatient and ambulatory, and emergency room data from acute, short-term psychiatric, long-term psychiatric and comprehensive rehabilitation hospitals in Florida. The data are updated on a quarterly basis, and there are approximately 2.5 million records per year. Each record in the dataset corresponds to an individual inpatient hospital, outpatient, or ER visit. The file has patient-level data and includes information on patient demographics, diagnosis and procedure codes, attending physician, operating or performing physicians, and total gross charges.
Some useful data elements include:
AHCA releases the inpatient data once 75% of the reporting facilities have certified the accuracy of their data, which is usually accomplished by 130 days after the end of a reporting period. All of the data are typically verified within 180 days of the end of the reporting period, meaning the data set is more complete two months after the initial version is released by AHCA. Discharge data from comprehensive rehabilitation hospitals are certified upon submission.
RPC has hospital data from 2005 to the most recently released complete quarter.