The Reasonable Charge for Home Health Care In Life Care Plans

To estimate the cost of this future care, life care planners usually conduct a survey of area home health agencies to determine the average hourly rate for the recommended type of provider, then apply this rate to the number of hours of care required per year. This paper examines the likelihood of agency-hire home health care versus private-hire home health care and their comparative costs.

By |2024-10-31T19:11:42+00:00October 31st, 2024|White Papers|Comments Off on The Reasonable Charge for Home Health Care In Life Care Plans

Sources of Data on Earnings and Work History

In personal injury, wrongful death, and employment litigation, lost earnings and lost earning capacity are often an element of damages. The vocational or economic expert must develop the work history and earning history of the injured party.  RPC developed a white paper which discusses development of earning history in a personal injury case. The discussion is useful [...]

By |2025-02-07T18:16:20+00:00May 1st, 2024|White Papers|Comments Off on Sources of Data on Earnings and Work History

Using Amazon Pharmacy Prices to Determine the Reasonable Charges and Reasonable Value of Prescription Drugs

When it comes to determining the reasonable charges for past or future medical care, one important part is estimating the reasonable charge for prescription medications. RPC began using the Amazon Pricing method for all reviews of eligible past pharmacy bills effective September 14, 2023, the publication date of this white paper. Learn more about the Amazon pricing method and the difference between Amazon and the survey method.

By |2023-09-14T18:27:27+00:00September 14th, 2023|White Papers|Comments Off on Using Amazon Pharmacy Prices to Determine the Reasonable Charges and Reasonable Value of Prescription Drugs

Determining Usual, Customary and Reasonable Charges for Healthcare Services

The issue of whether a healthcare service's charges are reasonable arises when a healthcare provider and payor have not agreed on a negotiated payment rate for a service. Reasonableness of healthcare charges are at issue in some personal injury cases as well as commercial litigation and can effect the economic damages in the case. [...]

By |2023-07-26T16:12:57+00:00July 7th, 2023|White Papers|Comments Off on Determining Usual, Customary and Reasonable Charges for Healthcare Services

Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories in Ambulatory Surgical Centers White Paper

Considering Developing an ASC-Based Cardiac Catheterization Laboratory? Research & Planning Consultants and Health Management Associates have prepared a white paper explaining guidance on safety, efficacy, and patient selection for diagnostic and therapeutic cardiac catheterization procedures in Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) from medical professional societies and Medicare.

By |2023-02-10T15:51:20+00:00December 6th, 2022|White Papers|Comments Off on Cardiac Catheterization Laboratories in Ambulatory Surgical Centers White Paper

Determining Earnings for Oil and Gas Workers

Oil and natural gas prices are volatile. Changes in those prices drives changes in employment and wages for workers in jobs related to exploration, development and production (EDP). Because of the danger in some EDP jobs, these workers may be plaintiffs in personal injury and wrongful death cases. Computing damages for loss of earning capacity [...]

By |2023-08-03T14:53:29+00:00February 1st, 2022|White Papers|Comments Off on Determining Earnings for Oil and Gas Workers
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