Transferable Skills Analysis in Personal Injury Litigation

In personal injury litigation, a vocational evaluator is often asked to determine a person’s future earning capacity after an accident or injury. One of the tools used to determine if there are other jobs the person can perform is a Transferable Skills Analysis (TSA).

By |2022-02-25T15:30:32+00:00January 7th, 2021|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Transferable Skills Analysis in Personal Injury Litigation

Business Associate Agreements (BAA) Best Practices and Requirements for HIPAA and Texas HB 300

This blog post explains Business Associate Agreements (BAA) best practices and requirements under HIPAA and Texas HB 300. It also explains the broader definition of “covered entity” in Texas law, the need for a court-protective order in cases involving PHI, and the terms a BAA should include to comply with HIPAA and HB 300.

By |2020-12-11T20:05:23+00:00December 11th, 2020|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Business Associate Agreements (BAA) Best Practices and Requirements for HIPAA and Texas HB 300

Labor Market Surveys in Personal Injury Litigation

The role of a vocational expert in personal injury litigation is to determine the pre-injury and post-injury earning capacity of the plaintiff. One of the tools used to determine the post-injury capacity is a labor market survey. The labor market survey identifies the jobs and job openings in the worker’s geographic labor market.

By |2022-02-25T15:33:56+00:00December 2nd, 2020|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Labor Market Surveys in Personal Injury Litigation

Evolving Issues with Freestanding Emergency Center Charges

Most hospitals update their charges at least annually. To ensure continued compliance with the new laws, RPC recommends an annual chargemaster analysis for freestanding emergency centers and assists freestanding emergency centers to resolve payment disputes.

By |2020-11-19T18:39:23+00:00November 19th, 2020|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Evolving Issues with Freestanding Emergency Center Charges

Differences Between Nominal and Real Interest Rates

When performing economic damages analysis, one must decide whether to discount future economic damages to present value using a nominal interest rate or real interest rate. This blog discusses the differences between nominal and real interest rates.

By |2021-05-12T14:47:43+00:00November 5th, 2020|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Differences Between Nominal and Real Interest Rates

Financial Pro Formas in Certificate of Need Applications: 3 Things to Know

Each state has its own criteria for evaluating CON applications. One requirement that most have in common is financial feasibility. Applicants show financial feasibility on a set of required forms and tables and an explanation of sources, methods, and assumptions. These are referred to collectively as the financial pro formas of the CON application. Here are 3 things to know about Pro Forma

By |2021-05-12T14:46:04+00:00September 24th, 2020|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Financial Pro Formas in Certificate of Need Applications: 3 Things to Know

Establishing Damages for Lost Household Services

Lost household services are frequently an element of economic damages in personal injury and wrongful death cases. Attorneys on both sides of a case may benefit from asking the injured party or the survivors questions to obtain facts an economist needs to calculate lost household services. The RPC Questionnaire on lost household services can assist plaintiff and defense attorneys to gather the necessary facts.

By |2020-07-30T19:12:28+00:00July 29th, 2020|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Establishing Damages for Lost Household Services

Useful Data Sources for Key Components of CON Applications | Part Three: Impact on Existing Providers

Certificate of Need (CON) requirements vary by state, but most applications must address three main topics: need, financial feasibility, and impact on existing providers. This blog post is the third in a three-part series on these topics. This part discusses data sources to address the impact on existing providers of a CON-reviewable project.

By |2020-06-25T13:58:21+00:00June 25th, 2020|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Useful Data Sources for Key Components of CON Applications | Part Three: Impact on Existing Providers

The Role of Opioids in Chronic Pain Management Part II | Ongoing Use of COT and How Opioids Should be Discontinued

In this three-part blog, we will discuss the basics of using opioids for chronic pain management. In part II, we will discuss the ongoing use of chronic opioid therapy (COT), and discuss when and how opioids should be discontinued.

By |2020-07-16T16:32:00+00:00June 10th, 2020|RPC Blog|Comments Off on The Role of Opioids in Chronic Pain Management Part II | Ongoing Use of COT and How Opioids Should be Discontinued
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