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So far RPC has created 90 blog entries.

Choosing a Damages Expert in Medical Qui Tam and False Claims Act Cases

When choosing damages experts for a qui tam case, it may help to understand the skill sets required to calculate damages and to testify at the intersection of medical, legal, and analytical issues. This blog will discuss the experience needed.

By |2022-03-03T21:07:55+00:00March 2nd, 2022|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Choosing a Damages Expert in Medical Qui Tam and False Claims Act Cases

Analyzing Large and Complex Databases of Medical and Billing Records

Healthcare litigation often involves the analysis of large and complex databases of medical and billing records. These databases can contain valuable information relevant to the legal theory of the case - from data elements one might expect such as volume of patients and cost of services to less obvious but still potentially useful records such as the dates and times of patient appointments or the severity of the injury. In this blog, we will discuss how RPC can analyze large and complex databases of medical and billing records.

By |2025-01-19T19:29:45+00:00January 26th, 2022|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Analyzing Large and Complex Databases of Medical and Billing Records

Developments in Texas Law on Past Medical Expenses

In recent years the Supreme Court of Texas has issued a series of decisions that affect damages for past medical expenses in personal injury and hospital lien cases. These decisions affect the evidence plaintiffs and defendants need to offer on past medical expenses. This blog post is intended to briefly summarize my understanding of the state of the law, and is not intended as a formal legal article.

By |2021-07-15T15:36:51+00:00July 15th, 2021|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Developments in Texas Law on Past Medical Expenses

Summary of Changes to the Tennessee Certificate of Need Statue

Tennessee lawmakers significantly changed the CON law during this year’s legislative session. The new Health Services and Planning Act of 2021 takes effect October 1, 2021. This law will change CON requirements and administration of the CON program. This blog details each major and minor change to CON law. Each section dissects each change and references the former law, where applicable. Read more to learn about what changes to expect in October 2021.

By |2025-01-15T17:19:38+00:00July 8th, 2021|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Summary of Changes to the Tennessee Certificate of Need Statue

Mapping For Health Planning and Certificate of Need

CON programs are used, in part, to correct health care market deficiencies. To identify casual factors and alternative courses of action, planners must be able to spatially analyze multiple factors across a community. A GIS analysis and spatial modeling can increase the ability of planners to interpret data and reach reasonable conclusions. This blog will discuss the types of data and maps used within Esri to create GIS analysis and spatial modeling.

By |2025-01-15T17:20:41+00:00June 17th, 2021|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Mapping For Health Planning and Certificate of Need

Contract Considerations to Avoid Physician Compensation Disputes

Physician employment contracts must not only make business sense but also must comply with federal laws that prohibit certain practices. To comply with these laws and to reduce the possibility of disputes between the physician and the employer, the employment contract should address these topics explicitly and precisely.

By |2021-06-14T16:44:56+00:00June 9th, 2021|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Contract Considerations to Avoid Physician Compensation Disputes

Vocational Evaluations in Personal Injury Litigation

Lost earnings and lost earning capacity can be major elements of economic damages in personal injury litigation. Calculating these elements requires determining pre-injury and post-injury earnings and earning capacity. These determinations involve vocational and economic issues. If there are disputes whether the plaintiff can return to work at all, or to what job, or with what limitations or accommodations, a vocational evaluation by a qualified vocational expert can be essential to determine this element of damages.

By |2022-02-25T15:28:45+00:00June 3rd, 2021|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Vocational Evaluations in Personal Injury Litigation

The Role of Obesity in Personal Injury Litigation

In this blog, we will discuss the role of obesity in personal injury litigation including obesity as a preexisting condition, the various effects of obesity, treatment of obesity, and how the information provided can be applied to personal injury claims.

By |2021-05-25T23:28:32+00:00May 21st, 2021|RPC Blog|Comments Off on The Role of Obesity in Personal Injury Litigation
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