RPC had a good year in 2024, our 52nd in business. We continue to provide expert reports and testimony to plaintiff and defense attorneys in personal injury litigation, commercial litigation, and administrative proceedings. While we are based in Texas, our practice is national. I am grateful to our clients, staff, and consulting associates. The numbers tell part of the story:
- RPC provided services to 234 clients in 2024, and 68 were new clients.
- New cases increased by over 10% from 1,245 in 2023 to 1,371 in 2024. Most of the growth was in cases analyzing reasonableness of charges and reasonable value of medical services. To process the increased volume of records and reports, we added editors and records management staff.
- RPC issued 1,280 professional reports in 2024, an increase of 48% over 2023. We also issued 2,687 Section 18.001 counter affidavits, an increase of 32% over 2023.
- RPC consultants gave 87 expert depositions in 2024. The number of current RPC staff accepted as expert witnesses increased from 7 to 8.
- Most of our clients in commercial litigation cases were healthcare providers and health plans. We provided analysis and testimony in class certifications, in qui tam cases, in doctor/hospital disputes, in payment disputes involving out-of-network providers, and in disputes over the interpretation of provider contracts.
- We helped our Certificate of Need clients with 6 applications and opposition projects in North Carolina, Florida, Kentucky, and Missouri.
We also offered more educational resources to attorneys. We offered two continuing legal education webinars certified in Texas and Louisiana, directly and through the State Bar of Texas. One was on Sources of Data on Earnings and Work History for Personal Injury Litigation. The other was on Determining Reasonable Charges and Reasonable Value for Medical Expenses. Each was offered multiple times to different audiences. We plan to increase the number of webinars in 2024. We also added two new or updated white papers to our website.
Finally, RPC is devoting substantial resources to incorporating new technology to increase the quality and efficiency of our services. In 2024 we started using proprietary medical bill review software to increase our capacity for medical bill review. We began experimenting (cautiously) with AI software to manage and summarize medical records and depositions.
Thanks again to all who have contributed to our long-term success. Please contact me (512.371.8166; or Roy Bourne (512.371.8026; if we can help you or your clients.
Ron Luke, JD, PhD
RPC’s Success and Growth in 2020
Research & Planning’s Success and Growth in 2020
Research & Planning’s Healthcare Litigation and CON Success and Growth in 2019
Research & Planning’s Healthcare Litigation and CON Success and Growth in 2019
Research & Planning’s Success and Growth in 2019
Research & Planning’s Success and Growth in 2019