South Carolina’s Removal of CON Requirements for Ambulatory Surgery Centers

With the passage of Senate Bill 164 earlier this year, South Carolina removed certificate of need (CON) requirements for Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs). New ASCs now only require licensure prior to operation and construction plan and specification approval prior to beginning construction.

By |2023-09-28T14:55:13+00:00September 28th, 2023|RPC Blog|Comments Off on South Carolina’s Removal of CON Requirements for Ambulatory Surgery Centers

Differences in Damages in Personal Injury Cases in Texas and Louisiana | Webinar

Pre-Recorded Webinar | For attorneys practicing in Texas or Louisiana, handling personal injury cases under the laws of the other state may involve navigating some significant differences in the way damages are rendered. This webinar explores those differences.

By |2024-05-09T16:00:13+00:00September 21st, 2023|RPC Webinars|Comments Off on Differences in Damages in Personal Injury Cases in Texas and Louisiana | Webinar

Using Amazon Pharmacy Prices to Determine the Reasonable Charges and Reasonable Value of Prescription Drugs

When it comes to determining the reasonable charges for past or future medical care, one important part is estimating the reasonable charge for prescription medications. RPC began using the Amazon Pricing method for all reviews of eligible past pharmacy bills effective September 14, 2023, the publication date of this white paper. Learn more about the Amazon pricing method and the difference between Amazon and the survey method.

By |2023-09-14T18:27:27+00:00September 14th, 2023|White Papers|Comments Off on Using Amazon Pharmacy Prices to Determine the Reasonable Charges and Reasonable Value of Prescription Drugs

Considerations of Future Medications and Costs in a Life Care Plan

When projecting future medical needs and associated costs in life care plans, the choice between recommending generic or brand-name medications is an important one. The choice should be based on the factors of cost, efficacy, safety, and individual needs. In this blog, we discuss each factor. Unless an individual’s medical needs require a brand-name drug, the generic equivalent will usually be the rational choice.

By |2023-09-07T15:31:30+00:00September 6th, 2023|RPC Blog|Comments Off on Considerations of Future Medications and Costs in a Life Care Plan


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